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Alberta Law Regarding Accident Benefits Claims September 18, 2018

Statutory Accidents Benefits Coverage refers to a system put in place in Alberta in which your auto insurer owes your certain benefits regardless of whether you’re the instigator of an accident or not. Covered under these benefits are certain, if not all, of your lost earnings and coverage of your medical bills following the necessary treatments for any injuries sustained during the crash.

Alberta Law Covers:

Wage Loss, meaning you’re entitled to 70% of your gross income, though the maximum is limited to $400 a week.

Medical Bills following treatment and healthcare expenses directly related to the accident. To receive coverage, you will need detailed records of your treatment given to you by your healthcare professional. Other services and supplies necessary for you recovery can also be covered, but with a maximum of $50,000 for each injured individual.

How You Can Claim These Benefits:

You’ll need to check in with your insurance company directly after the accident, file all the claim application forms and stick to the deadlines. Also seek out a medical professional to treat all your injuries and follow the given instructions to the t. Dependent on the situation, your insurance company may ask you to give a formal statement regarding the series of events. Throughout this process, before you even reach out to the insurance company, you may want to stay in contact with a personal injury lawyer.

Why You Should Stay In Contact With A Lawyer Throughout:

Personal injury lawyers in St. Albert and all across Alberta are familiar with the specific laws and policies surrounding the accident benefits claims. Where insurance companies like to mislead and confuse while speaking of compensation caps, accident benefits and the compensation you’re entitled to, a personal injury lawyer will work to give you full access to the accident benefits you deserve.

As with most laws regarding motor vehicles, you may find yourself struggling to file a claim and receive compensation. A good personal injury lawyer will help you with each step of the insurance claim process and take over all communication with the insurance company so you can put all your energy into your recovery. Even if the insurance company may be stubborn and refuse you your benefits, a good lawyer will be prepared to go to court and present your case so you can get your deserved compensation without additional stress. Regarding payment, your personal injury lawyer should only be paid after a settlement has been made and you’ve received your benefits. Most of the lawyers work on contingency basis and would be happy to represent your needs.