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Is It Possible To Sue A Business For Your Personal Injury?

You have to accept the prospect of personal injury lawsuits as being normal if you’re a business owner and you welcome customers and visitors onto your property. You’ll have to pay for special insurance to guard against the risk of being sued for unanticipated personal injury, even if you never…...

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How Do You Prove A Product Liability Case?

Keep in mind that you’ll be filing a product liability case if you’ve ever been hurt by a defective or damaged product. Your lawsuit may be based on several different product liability theories. It will be easier to win in this instance. Different types of injuries/illnesses can cause product liability…...

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How Can I Get Higher Amount of Compensation Than The Policy Limits?

You turn to your own insurance company or your defendant’s insurance company if you were involved in a personal injury accident and seek compensation. One thing to remember is that the insurance company generally only pays up to the policy limits. While rare and challenging to do, it’s possible to…...

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Suggested Strategy During Effort To Negotiate Fair Settlement

At some point, the victim of an accident could face the challenge of negotiating with the insurance company. What strategy should he or she pursue?...

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How Does The Legal System Place A Number On Each Victim’s Losses?

Whenever there is an accident or someone gets hurt due to the negligence of another individual, it becomes important to seek justice from the at-fault party. That is one of the reasons that injury claims are filed. Though there are various categories of damages under which compensation is awarded, the…...

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What Damages Can You Seek If You Have Been Involved In A Bicycle Accident?

Bicycle accidents are unfortunately not rare. They tend to occur because of negligence on the part of a driver. That said, all bicyclists are held to the same rules and the same standards of duty of care that motorists are....

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Steps To Take After Long-Term Disability Claim Is Denied

You had applied for long-term disability benefits in Canada, but it was denied. What can you do now? Well, for one thing, be persistent. It may shock and surprise you to learn that many long-term disability claims that were denied initially end up being accepted. The bad news is that…...

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Tips On Getting Compensated For Injuries Sustained In Truck Accident

Personal injury lawyers understand all the details that relate to liability for damages that were caused by a trucking accident. A lawyer’s examination of the same details should help to reveal all of those that might be held responsible for the reported losses and injuries....

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Tips For Proving A Personal Injury Claim

Proving fault entails identifying the person that should be assigned liability for performance of a specific action, as per injury lawyer in Spruce Grove. Usually, that specific action has been carried out in a careless and negligent manner....

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What Damages Fall Under The Heading of “Pain And Suffering”?

How does the value of an accident victim’s pain and suffering get calculated, following submission of an injury-linked claim?...

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