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Most Common Mistakes With Disability Claim Applications January 10, 2019

If you have an illness or injury that keeps you from working your financial protection could be disability coverage. You can purchase Long Term Disability coverage if you are self-employed. It is available to many people through their employer.

These benefits will usually cover about 60 to 70 percent of your income. In order to meet the eligibility of these benefits you will have to prove certain things. This proof includes showing you cannot perform pertinent tasks of any or your occupation any longer. This will mostly depend on how your Long-Term Disability plan is worded. Many plans such as, employer provided or group plans require, for at least the first two years, it be based on your own occupation, after that amount of time it can then change to any occupation.

You may be genuinely disabled but due to the provisions of your disability plan, your claim could be rejected. An experienced personal injury lawyer in St. Albert & Spruce Grove can help you effectively address these issues. Your claim may have been denied for some of the common reasons listed below:

• The time required to file the claim or appeal deadline passed.
• The diagnosis for your condition did not come from a physician with expertise in the field of your particular injury or illness.
• Regular medical care is not ongoing by a physician.
• You failed to mitigate your symptoms by not following the physician’s advice, recommendations or taking prescribed medicines.
• The application contains a medical portion which the physician did not report how your injury or illness keeps you from performing work duties.
• Important, and required information was not included in your application.
• Your health may not be improving, giving the medical experts from the insurance company reason to believe your doctors are only providing substandard care.
• Your disability may have been exaggerated or information on your application may have been misrepresented.
• Necessary documentation was not provided to the insurer from your employer. This would include tasks required to perform your job.
• After two years of eligibility on the own occupation definition of long-term disability, you have not provided medical proof that adequately shows you to be unable to perform any occupation that you may be able to perform.
• You may be able to work part-time or on a modified basis so the insurer does not find you to be totally disabled.

With the help of an experienced disability claims lawyer your claim is more likely to be successfully resolved. They will ensure that all evidence is collected and relevant documents submitted. Whether the claim is settled in court or out of court, professionally expert lawyers will make sure that it is settled in your favor.