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Help For Car Drivers That Have Accident In Alberta September 26, 2018

If you have just joined the community of drivers in Alberta, CA, or if you plan to travel by car to that lovely Canadian province, you should know the rules about reporting any possible accident. Obviously, those rules could apply to anyone in a motor vehicle that has made contact with another motor vehicle. By the same token, the same rules could apply to a motor vehicle that has made contact with a bicycle, a pedestrian or a stationary object.

In what situations would such rules apply?

You must obey the rules about reporting an accident to the Alberta police if someone got injured during the course of that same collision. In addition, you must follow the rules that relate to accident reports if the collision caused more than $2,000.00 worth of damage. If you got hit by a motored vehicle but fled the scene, because you feared that the driver was intoxicated, involved in a crime or part of a fraud ring, then you need to report that same accident to Alberta’s police.

In what situations would you the driver enjoy the option of reporting or not reporting a collision?

You could forego making a report if the damage to the involved vehicles did not come to $2,000.00. At the same time, you could dispense with providing a report if there were no injuries and no damage. Finally, you could refrain from submitting a report if no laws had been broken at the time of the collision.

Actions expected of driver that has been involved in a collision.

That driver must remain at the spot where the vehicles collided. While at that same spot, the driver should render all reasonable assistance. If necessary and safe, the driver should also move the involved vehicle out of the lane of traffic.

After having performed all those actions, the driver needs to share certain information with all the involved drivers. The shared information should provide the other drivers with a way to contact both that driver and the owner of the driver’s vehicle. In addition to offering the names and addresses for those particular individuals, the same driver ought to share certain documents, such as a driver’s license, a financial responsibility card and proof of insurance.

After sharing all that information, the driver must carry out those actions that aid the recording of specific details. For example, a part of the driver’s time should get devoted to collection of contact information from the various witnesses. Drivers with an iPhone have the ability to take pictures. All involved drivers can write down specific facts, regarding the collision site, the road conditions and the weather as the personal injury lawyer in St. Albert will need it.

Damaged vehicles belong at the police district office. There, the drivers need to give to officers at the desk the appropriate certificate of registration, as well as the proof of insurance.