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Keys To Filing Successful Car Accident Insurance Claim July 23, 2018

Once you have become the victim of a careless and neglectful driver, you have the right to seek compensation from the insurance company that sold a car insurance policy to that same driver. Still, that fact should not be foremost in your mind, in the moments that follow the collision.

Steps you need to take in the moments that follow a collision

If you were the driver and you were carrying one or more passengers, then you should check on the condition of your passengers. Once you have done that, you need to have doctor prepare a report on your injuries. Go to the nearest hospital, clinic or other medical facility.

Hopefully, you can return to the scene of the collision in enough time to seek out the names and contact numbers for several witnesses. At that same time, you need to photograph the damage done to your vehicle, along with any other property damage. All of that evidence will prove of value when you get to the next step.

The step-by-step process to follow as you start to recover

Get to work on a claims statement, which you will be sending to your insurance company. Provide them with details, regarding the accident. Let them know when and where it took place. Add some weight to your statement by including a copy of your doctor’s report and images of the damage done to your vehicle. If you have the names and contact numbers for any witnesses, include that information as well.

Keep track of all the documents that relate in some way to your accident. Write down what bits of evidence you included in the package with your claims statement. Write down the date on which you mailed that statement, or the time when you had it delivered to the insurance company.

At this point, you will need to keep track of deadlines as well. You can get help with your paperwork and deadlines by hiring an attorney. That same lawyer can also arrange for the collection of more evidence. For instance, a lawyer’s help proves quite useful, when it comes time to seek out some medical experts.

Let your personal injury lawyer in Spruce Grove check on the terms of your insurance policy. Learn what benefits you deserve to receive, as a policy holder. If you know that your insurance company has received your claims statement, then you know that the insurer does not have to be contacted further at this point in time.

When you eventually get contacted by a representative from your insurance company, provide that man or woman with honest answers. At the same time, make sure that you remain fair to yourself. Hence, you should not appear greedy for money.