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Methods Used By Personal Injury Lawyer In Building Case For Brain-Injured Accident Victim May 7, 2018

As would be the case for any attorney, personal injury lawyers in Alberta province face an uphill battle, when trying to build a case for a brain-injured accident victim. First of all such injuries are hard to diagnose; an open wound is not always present. Secondly, such an injury does not always show up in an x-ray.

Symptoms that could indicate the existence of damage within the brain

• Changes in a client’s pattern of speech
• A diminishing ability to process information
• A diminishing ability to focus or concentrate
• Changes in the client’s temperament or personality
• Signs of client’s readiness to withdrawal from others

Steps such a lawyer might take

Seek a specialist or an expert. Have one of them exam the lawyer’s injured client and write a report. Find out if a specialist or expert might recommend a treatment, or some time spent in a rehabilitation facility.

Schedule a test, one that would be given by someone trained in occupational therapy. That test could be used to determine the client’s limits, in terms of the activities that he or she would feel comfortable pursuing.

Schedule an IQ test, one that would be administered by a speech pathologist. Such a test is given to patients in the neurological wing of a hospital. It helps the treating physician to age the extent of any damage to the brain. Call in a vocational consultant, in order to acquire a better picture of the client’s post-accident abilities.

Why lawyer might go after compensation for loss of income

As per personal injury lawyer in Red Deer the injured client must work shorter hours. Hence, company asks supervisors to complete extra paperwork, when employee’s workday is less than the standard 8 hours. Client struggles to get promotion or raise, due to limitations on his or her ability to undertake demanding assignments. Employer becomes reluctant to assign challenging work to a less than dependable worker.

The same client might have to take time off periodically, causing other employees to get stuck doing the absent employee’s work. If the employees with the increased work load complained often enough, it is possible that their complaints could push an employer to alter the client’s assignments.

In that way, an employer could try to find an assignment that would be especially difficult for that one particular employee. Then, when that one employee failed to do a satisfactory job, the employer would have a reason for firing the employee that had requested so many sick days. As a result, the fired employee’s lawyer might succeed in obtaining monetary compensation for the income-lacking client. The lawyer’s case would be strongest, if it could be shown that the client’s difficult assignment did not match with the client’s education, training and experience.