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How To Make Use of Coverage From Medical Insurance, During Personal Injury Lawsuit? January 7, 2022

The reports created by the doctors that have seen an injured accident victim can shed light on the nature and extent of the observed patient’s injury. By the same token, their written comments can work to confirm a claimant’s reference to unpleasant pain, or to limitations on the body’s movements.

An insurer’s assessment of a claimant’s pain and suffering gets based, primarily, on facts in the medical record.

Claimants that have coverage from medical insurance should feel free to visit a doctor’s office frequently. In that way, their ability to share facts related to various pains and discomforts increases. The greater the number of facts that support claims about pain and suffering, the harder it becomes for the insurance company to deny the existence of the unpleasant effects of the accident-caused injury.

The insurance company uses the information on the claimant’s pain and suffering when it calculates an estimate for the compensable losses. It adds up the totals on all of the medical bills, and then it multiplies that sum by a number that corresponds to the claimant’s level of discomfort. If a claimant’s treating physician has reported only a minor problem, that multiplier is 1.5 or 2.

On the other hand, if the report made reference to serious harm to the patient’s body, then that multiplier would be 5 or more. Late-appearing symptoms might get overlooked, if the claimant/patient were to stop visiting the treating physician.

Gaps to avoid

A large block of time between the date of the accident and the date when a doctor studies the physical effects of that same accident.

The passage of several months from one visit to the next: That suggests that the victim had no reason to seek a doctor’s advice during that extended period of time.

Gaps that cannot be prevented

The claimant needs to undergo surgery for a condition that was not related to the accident: That could force the patient/claimant to delay a return trip to the treating doctor’s office. Injury lawyer in Spruce Grove knows that the claimant joins family on a vacation, or schedules a trip to the home of a sick relative.

Possible ways to use medical coverage

If a pregnant woman has been injured, then she might have reason for scheduling a visit with an OB that specializes in high-risk pregnancies. The medical insurance would cover those visits with a specialist. Moreover, each visit would highlight one significant effect of the accident.

If the accident were to force a pregnant woman to undergo surgery, then she would have to terminate her pregnancy. In other words, the accident would force her to lose the child that she had been carrying. Hence, the medical insurance could be used to showcase the impact of the accident.