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Does Someone Filing A Personal Injury Claim Need A Lawyer? November 30, 2018

Anyone that has filed a personal injury claim could enjoy more than one benefit by hiring a personal injury lawyer in St. Albert. A resident of Alberta has an added reason for contacting an injury lawyer, after filing a personal injury claim. The Canadian government created that specific reason by passing and enforcing the Minor Injury Regulation.

What is the Minor Injury Regulation?

That regulation places a cap on the amount of money that can be awarded to the victim with a minor medical problem/injury. Adjusters have been quick to seize on the existence of such a cap. Adjusters try to convince just about every victim that resides in Alberta of the adjuster’s belief, namely that the government cap applies to that same victim’s case.

More than one adjuster has made that claim without even knowing all the facts, regarding that particular victim’s case. The facts could well show that the claimant suffered more than strains and sprains. The cap does apply to those that walked away from an accident with no more than some sprains and strains. Still, the existence of any impairment removes a victim/claimant from the pool of those that will be affected by the cap.

That is one reason that any of Alberta’s residents should arrange to hire a lawyer, if any one of those same residents plans to file an accident injury claim. The other reason concerns the extent of the damages faced by someone that has been harmed in an accident. The cap applies only to pain and suffering, and not to other damages.

A good injury lawyer can challenge an adjuster’s claim that a given accident has a low value, owing to the cap’s restrictions. A good injury lawyer can highlight the full extent of the damages suffered by that same injury lawyer’s client. Backed by such legal counsel, a claimant/client should find it easier to push for a fairer and, typically, larger settlement.

Moreover, lawyers appreciate the full range of medical conditions that fall outside of the list of capped injuries. That includes any injury to a soft tissue, such as a muscle, tendon or ligament. That also includes any psychological condition. None of those qualifies as a minor injury.

Furthermore, lawyers do not hesitate to take on multiple roles. Each of them stands ready to help their clients to save time. That help gets provided while the same lawyers work to keep their clients free from stress.

Maybe in the future there will be some type of robot that can carry out all of the lawyer’s multiple functions. Today, however, those injured men and women that feel compelled to file a claim against whomever appears to have been negligent should consult with a good and reputable member of the legal profession.