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What If Both Sides Are At Fault In A Personal Injury Case?

It is hard to establish exactly who was at fault in most personal injury cases. There may be times when you (the plaintiff) may be at fault. Sometimes, the plaintiff’s actions can cause his or her injuries and that can affect your case, and you’re about to find out why!...

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Is It Possible To Sue A Business For Your Personal Injury?

You have to accept the prospect of personal injury lawsuits as being normal if you’re a business owner and you welcome customers and visitors onto your property. You’ll have to pay for special insurance to guard against the risk of being sued for unanticipated personal injury, even if you never…...

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How Do You Prove A Product Liability Case?

Keep in mind that you’ll be filing a product liability case if you’ve ever been hurt by a defective or damaged product. Your lawsuit may be based on several different product liability theories. It will be easier to win in this instance. Different types of injuries/illnesses can cause product liability…...

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How Can I Get Higher Amount of Compensation Than The Policy Limits?

You turn to your own insurance company or your defendant’s insurance company if you were involved in a personal injury accident and seek compensation. One thing to remember is that the insurance company generally only pays up to the policy limits. While rare and challenging to do, it’s possible to…...

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