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Personal Injury FAQ’s

How To Make Use of Coverage From Medical Insurance, During Personal Injury Lawsuit?

The reports created by the doctors that have seen an injured accident victim can shed light on the nature and extent of the observed patient’s injury. By the same token, their written comments can work to confirm a claimant’s reference to unpleasant pain, or to limitations on the body’s movements....

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How To Gather Evidence For Your Personal Injury Claim?

Yes, the first few days after your personal injury accident are very traumatic for you. They are also important because this is the time period where you’ll gather and preserve any evidence pertaining to your accident....

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How Claimant Benefits From Understanding Adjuster’s Role

During the give and take that is part of the pre-settlement process, the adjuster negotiates with the claimant....

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Guidelines For Taking Part In Injury Case Negotiations

Once negotiations start, they do not stop, even if one of the disputing parties has filed a personal injury lawsuit. Claimants that so choose, have a right to take part in such negotiations....

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How The Plaintiff In A Personal Injury Case Could Be Affected By Intervening Or Superseding Causes

One question could prove of importance in any personal injury case. This is that question: Was the action taken by the defendant a proximal cause for the injury sustained by the plaintiff? An intervening or superseding cause could not be a proximal cause....

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How Do Interrogatories Work?

Interrogatories are the legal method for dealing with conflicting accounts of the same event. The answers to the inquiries serve as a guide to those that must determine which of 2 or more stories to believe....

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Who Identifies The Party At Fault In Personal Injury Case?

Identification of the party at fault reveals the identity of the person that must ensure compensation of the accident victim’s losses. Lawyers work with their clients, in order to carry out that identification process....

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How To Get Money Promised In Settlement Or Awarded By Court?

Claimants should understand the process that is used for getting their deserving compensation from the insurance company to their place of residence....

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How Long Must I Wait For Settlement of My Case?

The individual that has been injured in an accident often seeks information on the amount of time required for reaching a settlement. Once disputing parties have settled their case, the injured victim can expect compensation. Receipt of that compensation package helps with the victim’s recovery of all the incurred costs....

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How Do Lawyers Gather Evidence For A Given Case?

Good evidence helps a personal injury lawyer to construct a stronger argument, one that supports the same lawyer’s client....

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