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Do Accidents Or Tickets Lead To An Increase In Your Car Insurance Rates? December 31, 2020

Your lawyer will tell you that your rates will probably go up after you’ve been in a car accident that was your fault or after you’ve gotten a traffic ticket of any kind.

Personal injury lawyers in Red deer know that no matter how greedy car insurance companies may seem to be, they actually operate on a logical and reasonable basis. Therefore, you are likely at fault in some way if you see your car insurance rates go up dramatically.

When do premiums go up?

Lawyers know that premiums go up whenever you are perceived to be a higher risk driver. This can be from a number of actions:

● Getting involved in a car accident that was your fault
● Getting a traffic ticket or citation
● Paying your premium late
● Getting a DUI or other serious criminal conviction.

If you’re like most people, you’ll find your rates rise dramatically because of a car accident that was your fault or a traffic ticket or citation.

How car accidents and tickets make premiums rise

Personal injury lawyers know that the severity of the accident that you caused will play a major role in determining how high your premiums will rise. This is because insurance companies tend to pay out more money for serious accidents. Another factor is if you were at fault. Your premiums will increase if you were at fault (though this can be hard to prove at times.) However, some insurance carriers don’t raise premiums for the first accident. Finally, if you live in a state with a no-fault rule, your premiums may rise even if you were not at fault. This is because you ‘ll probably be filing a claim through your own insurance company first.

Will your premiums ever return to your pre accident rate?

If you find yourself paying a higher premium, you can get around this by finding a car insurance company with a cheaper premium. You can also go through a safe driving class and pass it. This will show the insurance company that you’re serious about being a safe driver. They will take this seriously. Finally, you can wait 3-5 years when the accident is automatically stricken off of your record.

Insurance does indeed make the difference

As you have seen, insurance premiums will rise after you get involved in an accident even if you were not at fault. Thus, it is important to adhere to safety and traffic regulations when on the road. Don’t drink and drive. But if you still get in an accident, get medical help and then call your lawyer who can let your insurance company know.