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Learn What To Expect From Your Defense Medical Examination May 13, 2019

Following your involvement in a motor vehicle collision which left you injured, you may be in a position in which you can file a personal injury claim in order to obtain coverage for your accident related expenses and compensation for your losses. The best way to obtain fair compensation is to hire a personal injury lawyer in Red Deer with a track record of successfully settling cases similar to yours.

In order to build a solid foundation for your case, your lawyer will ask for your medical records which will help prove the severity of your injuries. This includes reports from your family doctor, as well as other specialists you went to see throughout your treatment. However, there may also be one more doctor’s examination coming your way which was ordered by the defendant’s side.

What is a defense medical examination?

When it comes to the severity of your injuries, the defense has the right to push for another examination of your person which will be conducted by a doctor of their choosing. This examination is what is referred to as the DME, or the defense medical examination. Following this examination, the doctor will then write up their own medical report which will state their opinion in regards to the extent of your injuries. Furthermore, this doctor is also prepared to testify in the courtroom should the case be taken to trial, and if the defense asks them to.

Are DME doctors biased?

While the doctor who perform these defense, medical examinations are hired by the other party, they are also still acting under the ethics code every healthcare provider is bound by. Because of this, their opinion has to be as objective as if you were any other patient under their care.

How should I act around this DME doctor?

In general, you should treat this like you would any other doctor’s visit. Be open with your symptoms and your injuries as you would with other doctors. The only thing to watch out for is that you do not bring up your personal injury claim. Steer clear of topics surrounding your potential settlement and associated negotiations. This doctor is an objective party and their role in your claim is to provide the defense with an objective assessment of your condition and potential long-term effects. Nothing more. Nothing less.

What can I expect from the examination?

For one, you will want to be 15 minutes early, otherwise the doctor may take a note on your lack of punctuality. Your lawyer will walk you through the whole process, explain how the examination is conducted so you won’t be stressed out. It always helps to have a professional guide you before you undergo it.