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Understanding Why You Should Never Drive While You Are Fatigued May 6, 2019

Statistics have shown that 20 percent, if not more, of all motor vehicle collisions are caused by fatigued drivers. While we are all frequently warned of the dangers of intoxicated driving, it is rarely mentioned how fatigued driving can have equally devastating consequences.

When it comes to fatal collisions on highways, a total of 65 percent are the result of fatigued driving, while 42 percent of injuries stemming from highway collisions have also been traced back to the same source. It has also been found that young adults, aged 17 to 24, are a significantly increased risk of becoming involved in a fatigue caused collision.

How does fatigue impair driving capabilities?

While it is obvious that falling asleep behind the wheel is dangerous, there also other risks that come along with the fatigue itself. For one, forcing yourself to stay awake and keep going is dangerous for your mental and physical health, but more importantly when it comes to driving, it also puts other motorists at danger for a number of reasons:

• Fatigue causes you to lose focus and shortens your attention span which makes it increasingly more difficult to keep an eye on other motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists. You will also be more likely to overlook warning signs and speed limits.
• Fatigue significantly slows your reaction time which decreases your ability to undertake an emergency braking or circumnavigate an unexpected hazard.
• Fatigue will impair your ability to make quick decisions.

It should also be noted that sleep deprivation isn’t the only potential source of fatigue. There are also certain medications which can have the side effect of drowsiness and will impact your driving capabilities just as heavily. Sleeping disorders like insomnia and sleep apnea are other sources of fatigue which will pose a threat to your ability to drive safely. Thus, it is important to know that the driver who is fatigued will be held liable for any accident that happens due to lack of alertness. Thus, it is important to consult with a personal injury lawyer in Red Deer if you are involved in such an accident.

How do I know if I’m too fatigued to drive safely?

While there is a general level of fatigue that comes with leaving work at the end of the day, that tiredness is rarely severe enough to become dangerous. When it comes to dangerous levels of drowsiness, there are some warning signs to watch out for, such as slowed blinking, yawning, trouble focusing, struggling to drive in a straight line, memory gaps in regards to the last few minutes of driving, and a heavy head. If you experience any of these symptoms, loud music and fresh air will not be enough to fix it.